Tag: issue

Weird ASP.net PathInfo behaviour

This post is about an ASP.net quirk and the (lack of) solution of it.

It’s a known fact that ASP.net WebMethods as provided by the ASP.net AJAX framework use what’s known as the path info of a url in order to map a request to a Web method. In other words, suppose you need to call a WebMethod called AWebMethod() in page APage.aspx. Suppose your application resides in http://anapplication.com (I really spent some time thinking about proper names about these. Really).

Fax over IP is a pain

The requirement A few months ago came the need for a fax machine. Worse yet, it had tobe connected on a dedicated phone line since the main line was configured to redirect unanswered calls to a mobile number after a number of rings, while incoming faxes could occur any time of the day.

On Forum software

Recently, I was searching the web for some information on a subject (I won’t get into details, suffice to say that it had to do with my sound card) when a promising link lead me to a forum discussion (which I won’t name here for obvious reasons). A user had uploaded an image as an attachment with his message so…

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