Adding Road Warriors to the VPN

This post is the second part of setting up an OpenVPN server. In my previous post I initially intended to have all road warriors into the same subnet, different than the Server subnet, however that proved to be infeasible. Instead, each individual device not behind a network (such as the home network depicted there) will be assigned an IP from the OpenVPN server in the subnet and will be able to access both the server as well as any other potential subnets in the network.

On Semantic Versioning

What is it? If you are a software developer, you may have heard of Semantic Versioning, as outlined here: What this is, is a set of rules for versioning stuff with public APIs (usually library components) in order to minimise Dependency Hell. Dependency Hell is something rather common that you encounter with package managers, where libraries that depende upon…

My early new year’s resolution…

… is 3840×2160 😉 . I  used to have 3 monitors side by side and then decided that it really wasn’t comfortable despite the love I had for the real estate they offered.   After researching a bit on 4K a few months ago, I decided that they were too expensive to seriously consider; a thought that crossed my mind…

Fixing a cheap guitar – Marble effect

I got rid of this guitar now. Its horrible fret access thanks to the Fenderesque bolt-on neck did it for me. I still have five other guitars that are not played nearly enough, so that’s not too big of a loss.   Well, I rarely ever find the need to write about anything, since, unless I do find anything that’s…

Holy Tonewood

I have a problem with unsubstantiated claims that are based on “personal experience”, belief or statements “simple and/or obvious knowledge” which are in turn non-provable in the lab. This especially applies to musicians who seem to find all kinds of differences and using “experience” in order to convince everyone else about what’s the proper way to do things.

Οι Αυθαίρετοι

Πριν από 23-24 χρόνια όταν ξεκίνησε η ιδιωτική τηλεόραση στην Ελλάδα, ένα από τα πρώτα ιδιωτικά κανάλια πρόβαλλε μία ανατρεπτική για τα δεδομένα τηλεοπτική σειρά. Τους Αυθαίρετους. Οι Αυθαίρετοι λοιπόν ήταν μια σειρά με μια πολύ απλή θεματολογία: Είναι δύο οικογένειες, του Αντρέα Χατζηγιώργη και του Κώστα Χατζηγιώργη (ουδεμία συγγένεια, αλλά όχι τυχαία συνωνυμία) οι οποίοι ζούνε στην ίδια πολυκατοικία…

The obsolete nature of Internet Explorer

I rarely take on consulting jobs nowadays, but this post still stands even on the wake of Internet Explorer’s planned demise.   Here’s a declaration I’m making regarding the nature of web projects I’m willing to undertake: Support for the latest non-beta versions of every web browser occurs at no extra charge to the total development cost. Support for inherently…

Weird PathInfo behaviour

This post is about an quirk and the (lack of) solution of it.

It’s a known fact that WebMethods as provided by the AJAX framework use what’s known as the path info of a url in order to map a request to a Web method. In other words, suppose you need to call a WebMethod called AWebMethod() in page APage.aspx. Suppose your application resides in (I really spent some time thinking about proper names about these. Really).

StyleCop, the Destroyer of Productivity

There’s a Visual Studio add-on called StyleCop. StyleCop is a source code analyser, which, unlike FxCop (and Visual Studio’s Code Analysis function) operates on the source code of your projects rather than the final compiled assemblies. In other words, it focuses on the looks rather than the works. The purpose of StyleCop is to ensure that everyone on your team…

XSL transformations are awful and create memory leaks!

You know that they suck, so I won’t elaborate on that point, but what about the memory leaks in .net framework?

We had an issue at work with our IISs going crazy and shutting down after a few days of operation. The sysadmin investigated and attributed it to excessive memory usage, having w3wp.exe reaching memory consumption numbers close to the theoretical maximum of a 32-bit process. This problem was postponed for a future investigation since there was no time to resolve it.

Fax over IP is a pain

The requirement A few months ago came the need for a fax machine. Worse yet, it had tobe connected on a dedicated phone line since the main line was configured to redirect unanswered calls to a mobile number after a number of rings, while incoming faxes could occur any time of the day.

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