Recently, I was searching the web for some information on a subject (I won’t get into details, suffice to say that it had to do with my sound card) when a promising link lead me to a forum discussion (which I won’t name here for obvious reasons). A user had uploaded an image as an attachment with his message so…
Author: Q
Fun with caching WordPress & PHPBB 3 on IIS.
Recently, I was forced to look into PHP caching, thanks to a series of events. Here’s what happened: Once upon a fine day, the (windows) server demanded that I will install some windows updates it found and I proceeded. After the restart though, I noticed that all of our PHP sites were timing out. It didn’t take long to find…
Προσέξτε τι διαβάζετε!
Υπόψη, αυτό γράφτηκε πολύ πριν η φράση “fake news” μπει στην καθημερινότητά μας.Οι παρατηρήσεις ισχύουν το ίδιο όμως. Μια ενδιαφέρουσα παρατήρηση που έχω κάνει είναι ότι το ελληνικό internet και κυρίως η ελληνική blog σκήνη τελεί υπό κατάληψη από εθνικιστικά στοιχεία. Είναι χαρακτηριστική μάλιστα η επιρροή τους, που ένα θέμα το οποίο ανεβαίνει σε ένα από αυτά τα sites, αυτόματα…
PHP and Unicode’s Byte Order Mark
I’ve started messing around with custom websites based on WordPress lately, since it offers a very flexible platform with lots of functionality while still allowing you to customize the final result to your heart’s content. Really, the only real issues with this approach is that 1) we are talking about PHP which happens to not be my platform of choice…
South Park’s sleazy message
I am somewhat of a South Park fan. The spiritual child of Matt Stone & Trey Parker, usually manages to crack me up and it helps when their points they make and the jabs they take are effective. I find myself disagreeing with some of the messages its creators try to shove in our heads however. Let’s have a look…